Face Covering and Mask Update
The Office of Child Development and Early Learning have made a few changes as detailed below. The entire Revised Guidelines for Handling COVID-19 is attached for your review. We thank you for patience, understanding and flexibility with the many changes.
Thank you!
Ann and Claire
K-Prep Learning Center Face Covering Policy Changes, effective 7/8/2020
K-Prep will be requiring face coverings of all who enter the building unless they fit in the exceptions listed below.
We ask families to decide if their child is able to meet this requirement based on his/her individual abilities. Children will be allowed to enter without a face covering because of the many different needs.
The following are exceptions to the face covering requirement for children:
· If a child is under 2 years of age
· If a child would be unable to remove a mask without assistance
· If a parent, guardian, or responsible person has been unable to place a face covering safely on the child’s face
· If the child cannot wear a face covering due to a medical condition, including those with respiratory issues that impede breathing, mental health conditions, or disability. (Documentation of the condition is not required)
If a child is brought to school wearing a face covering, our staff will do our best to encourage the wearing of the f
ace covering, but cannot guarantee it to be worn properly for the duration of the day.
Further Clarification:
Face Covering- As defined by Dr. Levine, “a ‘face covering’ can be made of a variety of synthetic or natural fabrics, including cotton, silk, or linen. For the purpose of this order, a face covering includes a plas
tic shield that covers the nose and mouth”.
Outdoors- The order states “Individuals are required to wear face coverings if they are outdoors and unable to consistently maintain a distance of six feet from individuals.” Students/staff will be allowed to remove their face coverings outdoors if they meet this requirement.
Eating/Drinking- Students and staff will be allowed to remove face coverings for eating or drinking when spaced 6 feet apart. (or as far as reasonably able within the limitations of the classroom)
Napping- Children should not wear face coverings while sleeping, or during any other activity where the face covering would be unsafe.